Macrossan Apartments, Brisbane QLD

macrossan apartment in brisbane cbd


Fire Engineering (Performance Solution), Risk Management (Façade Audit)


Fire Check Consultants were engaged in providing performance solutions for a multistorey residential building at 475-483 Adelaide Street, Brisbane. The building has a rise of thirty-six storeys with an effective height of approximately 65 m. The building design led to a few non-compliances, such as re-entry from fire-isolated exits, rationalisation of sprinklers from the balconies, rationalisation of zone smoke control requirements, fire-isolated staircase discharge, a single exit from the roof plant rooms and analysis of the fire brigade relay pump location and booster assembly. The fire engineering design resolved these non-compliances by providing performance-based alternative solutions. The building was also assessed for its conformity with the technical requirements of the NCC as per the QBCC Safer Buildings Legislation, particularly with the fire requirements for external façade of the building.  A Building Fire Safety Risk Assessment (BFSRA) Report was provided for submission to QBCC. FCC also provided a performance-based fire engineering brief for the external façade.