Fire Check Consultants (FCC) were associated with this project since 1999 and then subsequently in 2008, 2016 and 2017 for the extension of industrial premises.
This building is a large isolated and predominately used as an industrial occupancy with two storey area approximately 20,471 m2. The building works include Live Bird Reception, Despatch Chiller, Truck Wash, Trailer Parking, Workshop in the complex. The building is used for poultry processing, storage and dispatch facility.
FCC were involved with the retrofit of new automatic fire sprinkler system and associated services. Fire Engineering Reports were prepared addressing the issues of extended travel distance within the Despatch Chiller and Live Bird Reception, smoke ventilation system, automatic smoke detection and alarm system, and insulated panel wall materials in the ‘Extension Block’.
To protect the life safety of the employees, a combination of National Construction Code Volume One Deemed-to-Satisfy prescriptive requirements and performance based requirements were considered and proposed. All the issues were successfully resolved and successfully accepted by all stakeholders.