Harbourside South Apartments, Port Moresby PNG


Fire Engineering (Performance Solution)


A new multi-storey mixed-use tower was proposed on Stanley Esplanade, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea and comprises of 22 levels.  In a building  with multiple classifications, the Type of construction required for the building is the most fire-resisting Type resulting from the application of NCC Table C1.1 on the basis that the classification applying to the top storey applies to all storeys. Due to the proposed retail tenancies on ground level, all building elements (including floor) on ground level are required to be a minimum FRL of 180 minutes. To assist with the simplification of building construction and sealing of fire-rated penetrations, the proposal was to reduce the required FRL of 180 minutes for a Class 6 use to FRL of 120 minutes using fire severity calculations.