124 Distillery Road, Beenleigh Road QLD

large empty warehouse with steel beams


Fire Engineering (Performance Solution)


Fire Check Consultants were appointed by ‘Greyburn Pty Ltd’ to undertake a fire engineering assessment at the proposed re-development at 124 Distillery Road, Beenleigh, QLD 4207. The intent of this Fire Engineering Report was to address the non-compliances with the NCC DtS provisions as identified by the Regulatory Consultants. The developer planned to utilise a part of the shell of the existing building to create the new Zaraffas coffee production/packing/storage, which was to form Stage 1 of the development works for the site. Stages 2 and 3 were to be added later. Fire engineering analyses were conducted for NCC design departures such as open space requirement and vehicular access, extended exit travel distances and deletion of smoke exhaust system. Based on the fire engineering analysis, FCC proposed Performance Solutions to satisfy NCC Performance Requirements CP9, DP4 and EP2.2.