Fire Check Consultants were appointed on behalf of QBuild to provide the building design measures and fire protection requirements for mitigating the impact of Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) for the existing development the Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre. The subject site contains a cluster of buildings (mainly Class 9b education centre) comprising of Admin block (1 storey), new Classroom block (Building 1 – 2 storey), new Workshop/Classroom block (Building 2 – 1 storey) and Public Utility block. The building complex is surrounded by tall trees and heavily covered within the boundary of the premises. FCC proposed applicable design requirements in conformity with AS 3959:2018, aiming to remove the potential threat of bushfire risk to assist the ability of the landowner to manage the danger of this risk, and proposed fire fighting measures for the fire brigade to intervene. The report provided design requirements for mitigating the impact of bushfire attacks, including ember attacks, burning debris ignited by wind-borne embers and radiant heat.