8-18 Baldwin Avenue, Asquith NSW

residential street with modern black houses and timber detailing


Fire Engineering (Performance Solution)


Fire Check Consultants were appointed to provide a performance-based fire safety strategy for a proposed residential site containing thirty-eight Class 2 Sole-Occupancy Units above a Class 7a carpark. NCC DtS provisions require the building to be constructed from Type A construction due to the 3-storey residential unit arrangement. Performance Solution was applied to rationalise the Type of construction to Type C in lieu of Type A. The engineered solution was intended to adequately fire separate the Class 7a basement carpark from the 3-storey Class 2 sole occupancy units and to demonstrate the Class 2 portions of the site would reflect the arrangement of a typical 3-storey Class 1a townhouse development. Under the NSW Fair Trade new legislative framework, FCC also dealt with all design documentation review and site progressive inspections. After ensuring the compliance of all aspects of Fire Engineering Report Performance Requirements and Design Compliance Declaration. FCC will issue the Building Compliance Declaration to Building Surveyor for uploading on NSW Fair Trading Portal.