70 Station Road QLD


Fire Engineering (Performance Solution)


Fire Check Consultants were appointed to undertake a fire engineering assessment of a proposed fit-out in the existing development. The building has basement car parking and a total of six office levels. The building has an effective height of less than 25 metres and contains one fire-isolated exit staircase. There were no performance-based solutions applied to the base building design. The travel distance after fit-out was subject to review as part of the fit-out approval process. The Building Certifier identified that the travel distance to a single exit will exceed the DtS limitation of 20 metres on a typical office level after fit-out. This was the only non-compliance issue with the proposed fit-out that had been identified by the Certifier. FCC resolved the increased travel distance issues by proving that increased travel was not the dominant part of the occupant movement time. Instead, occupant queuing time at the exit doors was proven to be the dominant factor of the evacuation time.